Friday, February 25, 2011

Ultraviewer: Who is me?

Well, I go again.
Been wanting to start and maintain a blog for so long a time.
It has always been the excuses that I have made that blocks my desire to create and maintain one.

I, if not most of the time, always feel lazy when starting a blog.
For starters I always tell myself that I am busy.

Then, when I have the time, I put my attention to anime (Japanese animation).
Next, I bring myself to watching movies for an hour or two.
And lastly, I hope, is that I play the whole day with Rome Total War.

Guess now is the time to start all over again...

Related Links:
Pets and else: ultraviewer's blog on pets - Cebu Buy and Sell / Classified Ads
Award Winning Investors, Investments & Investing Advice Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory


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